People Are Cleaning Up The Planet In Viral #Trashtag Challenge

Internet challenges have come in all shapes and sizes, from the seemingly pointless planking, the seriously dangerous Tidepod challenge, and both pointless and dangerous In My Feelings craze. And while some viral trends can be hugely beneficial, they can often have downsides too – even the Ice Bucket challenge, which raised millions of dollars for... Continue Reading →

Scientists Capture Bacteria That Eat Pollution and Breathe Electricity

In Yellowstone National Park, lies the Heart Lake Geyser Basin. This area is home to pools of hot water, ranging from about 110 to nearly 200degrees Fahrenheit, that carry some very impressive bacteria that eat pollution and breathe electricity.  Now, Washington State University's (WSU) Abdelrhman Mohamed and colleagues have captured these microorganisms straight from their source to study them. ... Continue Reading →

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